Wednesday, July 27, 2011


10:15 AM
Boss calls...
[I pick up.]
Now What?

10:25 AM
Boss calls...
[I pick up.]
Now What?

11:00 AM
Boss calls...
[I pick up.]
Now What?

12:25 PM
Boss calls...
[I'm on lunch and don't pick up]

1:37 PM
Boss calls...
[I pick up.]
Now What?

3:45 PM

Boss calls...
[I pick up.]

4:32 PM
Boss calls...
[I pick up]
Boss: I'm really disappointed that you didn't get everything done.


Either pick up the phone every time the boss calls and nothing gets done or ignore the phone calls and get stuff done.

9:15 PM
Boss calls...
[I'm in my car, on my way home and happily ignoring the phone]

P.S.: At this point I should maybe mention that these scenarios are a dramatization and should be taken humorously.